
We interrupt your broadcast…

You know that phrase, “Man plans, god laughs?” Yeah, that has been my 2024 so far. I had grand plans for this site, for Youtube, promoting my books, maybe getting back into doing events to sell books, joining a few convention panels…and then it all fell apart in February.

I’ve been playing medication roulette for the past few months trying to find something that doesn’t have (for me) debilitating side effects, but so far I haven’t had any success. I was absolutely useless in March and part of April as a result, and for a few weeks all I could do was stare at the tv because my brain was toast and my body was worse.

Now I’m starting to come out the other side, but life has happened. I’ve been trying to make a very specific trip back to Ohio for two years. Wednesday, I finally got the all clear, so I’ll be flying out Memorial Day weekend and I’ll be gone at least a week. Even better, I’ll be driving back with a friend I haven’t seen since we moved out here, and she’ll be staying with us for a couple of weeks. So the time I was planning to use to get caught up on things that fell by the wayside while I was under the weather just got claimed by something else, and I will have limited internet and less time in front of a computer.

So anyway, in the interest of not driving myself crazy, I’m going to step back from the blog and youtube for a couple of weeks so I can take care of family stuff, spend time with my friend, and maybe have a chance at finding a better way of doing this that is easier when my brain is mush.

I’ll see y’all in June.