
Quarterly writing check in

DSCF0641How can 2017 be a quarter over already? I’m so far behind!

Back in January, I posted a list of books I wanted to write or edit this year. I’ve gotten a lot done, but I’ve also been moving a lot slower than I wanted to.

  1. ALL FOR ONE: This is done and with my beta readers. I finished it about a week later than I initially wanted to, but was able to get my first pass of revision done sooner than expected so I’m calling it a win.
  2. Short story: This one…I have zero ideas. At first, I thought I would be writing about Athena, one of the characters from ALL FOR ONE, but after four months of brains storming, I don’t really have any ideas. So, I thought about working with a character from the book I’m querying right now, OFF THE RAILS, but that one doesn’t feel quite right either.
  3. THE FERRYMEN: I’m going to start the developmental edits this week. Right now we’re still looking at a fall release day, probably sometime in September or October.
  4. DRU FAUST AND THE DEVIL’S DUE: Still running every Wednesday on the blog. If you click the “free reads” tab above, you’ll find links to all the current chapters. I’ve changed the way I’ve been dividing them up, so it’s running a little faster than anticipated. The final chapter will be up sometime in May or June, I think. I haven’t calculated yet. The full book will be out later this year.

That’s everything I’m working on at the moment, though I did start outlining another book. I’ve been adding to it here and there, but I need to get some editing done before I can dive head first into another manuscript.

Looks like I need to get back to work.

I’m also working on updating the layout of the blog, so please be patient while I figure out the new design!