
Writing WIPs & What’s Next

I’ve got a busy writing year ahead, if you couldn’t tell from my list of goals. I’ve already started to put a dent in it, though.


In progress: ALL FOR ONE. This is the gender-bent Three Musketeers I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been posting snippets on my Twitter feed, if you want a preview. Right now it’s about 40ish percent done.
On deck: Steampunk short story. This is a spinoff short for an anthology, and will feature one of the characters from ALL FOR ONE.

hermes book 2
Eek! I better get to work. No time for napping!


Up next: THE FERRYMEN, Evie Cappelli vol. 2. This book has been cooling off for a couple of months, but it is “done.” I do think I’m going to add another subplot though, so it still needs some work.
On deck: Steampunk short story. What is that wooshing noise? Could it be an approaching deadline? Ah! I need to get this done by the end of April. Or the middle, rather, since I’ll be gone the last week.


In progress: OFF THE RAILS. I’ve had nibbles on this one, but no real bites. Apparently, historical fiction is a hard sell unless it’s a bodice ripper.
On Deck: ALL FOR ONE. I’ll probably be querying OFF THE RAILS until at least June, then I’ll be switching to ALL FOR ONE. There’s been a lot of interest in this book on Twitter, so I’m hoping it will be an easy sell.